Access IPWEA Publications Online

Your organisation's e-book library subscription will assist you with your day-to-day work, education and professional development.

The e-book library provides subscribers with 24/7 access to the entire suite of publications in the IPWEA library.


  • You'll be the first to know
    Subscribers have access to ALL NEW AND UPDATED publications as soon as they become available.
  • There's something for everyone
    All staff from a subscribing organisation will have access to IPWEA’s entire e-book library. Simply sign in to the IPWEA website to see all publications available to you.
    Staff members can view the entire library and select the publications that are relevant to them and their work function.
  • Save time with new features
    Being on a new platform means each E-Book now features a host of new functionality including personal and org level annotation, global search functionality, and the ability to print your notes.
  • We're going green
    Digital access to our entire library means less printed publications which is a more eco-friendly.
  • Save time and money
    Get 24/7, instant access to the library on all your devices with an internet connection. Plus no more postage and handling costs.
  • Discounts
    Subscribers receive an additional 50% discount on printed copies of publications.

24/7 subscriber access to all IPWEA publications

You can access the library and view a sample of the e-books simply by signing in with your IPWEA web account. Don't have an account? Create an IPWEA web account here.

Note: Only subscribers will have full access to the range of e-books in the library.

After you have submitted the Download order form, and your payment has been processed, access will be made available to all staff who are part of the subscribing organisation.

Pricing Guide

E-BOOK subscription
(GST exclusive)

Local Government Area Population

Government Central Agency

Commercial Organisation

< 30,000

30,001 - 70,000

> 70,001

Annual subscription (NZD)






Joining fee + 1st year subscription (NZD)



